Additional Information

Standard OpenedCase Object

Parameter Type Description
id int Unique Case ID
status int Case Status ID
status_text string Case Status Description
case_id int Case Schema ID
case_site_trade_offer_id int Trade Offer ID
item object Standard Item Object

Case Status

Output Example for Standard OpenedCase Object
     "id": 1,
     "status": 3,
     "status_text": "Opened",
     "case_id": 1,
     "case_site_trade_offer_id": 3215,
     "item": { }

Standard Item Object

Parameter Type Description
id int Item ID
internal_app_id int Internal App ID (see ITrade/GetApps)
sku int Item definition (meta-data) SKU #
wear float Wear float value, only applicable for certain apps
trade_hold_expires int / null Trade hold expiration date. null if no trade hold
name string Market name e.g. “MAG-7 Gold Digger (Factory New)”
category string Category name e.g. “Restricted Rifle”
rarity string Category rarity e.g. “Restricted” – only outputted for VGO
type string Category type e.g. “Rifle” – only outputted for VGO
color string Color hex, includes #
image object Generic image URLs
–300px string 300px image URL -
–600px string 600px image URL -
suggested_price int OPSkins 7-day suggested price (US cents)
suggested_price_floor int (Only for VGO) The minimum viable suggested price, does not change.
preview_urls object Field Inspection URLs for VGO items. Some of these properties may not be outputted if not available. If they are provided, the image or video itself may not be generated yet, so you should fallback to generic images provided in image object.
–thumb_image string
–front_image string
–back_image string
–video string
inspect string / null Steam in-game inspection URL. Can be null.
eth_inspect string / null Ethereum Transaction URL. null for inapplicable apps.
pattern_index int Pattern index (value between 1-1000) (only available for VGO, null for other apps)
paint_index int / null Paint index value for a CS:GO item. 0 or null for items without a paint-index.

Output Example for Standard Item Object

Output Example for Standard Item Object
   "name":"Karambit | Poison Target (Factory New)",
   "category":"Covert Knife",

Standard Trade Offer Object

Parameter Type Description
offer object Holds offer and item data
–id int offer id
–sender object Offer sender’s information
—-uid int Sender’s uid
—-steam_id string Senders’s SteamID
—-display_name string Sender’s display name
—-avatar string Sender’s avatar image url
—-verified bool Is this user verified on OPSkins by support?
—-items object Items which sender offered for trade in the offer. Standard Item Object
–recipient object Offer recipient’s information
—-uid int Recipient’s uid
—-steam_id string Recipient’s SteamID
—-display_name string Recipient’s display name
—-avatar string Recipient’s avatar image url
—-verified bool Is this user verified on OPSkins by support?
—-items object Recipient’s items which sender wanted to receive in the offer. Standard Item Object
–state int Offer state int – Offer States
–state_name string State’s display name e.g “Active”
–time_created int Offer creation unix timestamp
–time_updated int Last update unix timestamp
–time_expires int Offer expiration unix timestamp
–message string Message from sender to receiver
–is_gift boolean Whether or not this offer is a gift (you are not losing any items).
–is_case_opening boolean Whether or not this offer is from a vCase website.
–sent_by_you bool Whether or not the offer was sent by you. Not outputted on no-auth endpoints.

Offer States

    • The offer is active and the recipient can accept it to exchange the items
    • The recipient accepted the offer and items were exchanged
    • The offer expired from inactivity
    • The sender canceled the offer
    • The recipient declined the offer
    • One of the items in the offer is no longer available so the offer was canceled automatically
    • The trade offer was initiated by a VCase site and it’s awaiting eth confirmations. User’s keys have been removed, but may be restored on error later.
    • The trade offer was initiated by a VCase site and there was an error opening case due to back-end issues. No items should have been exchanged.
    • The trade offer was initiated by a VCase site and we were unable to generate items on the blockchain, so the user’s keys have been refunded.

If a case opening succeeds from a vcase site, the offer will go into STATE_ACCEPTED and the items generated from the case opening will appear in the trade offer as if they came from the vcase site user. The end-result is that the user will see their keys exchanged for items in the trade offer on success.

Standard User Profile Object

Parameter Type Description
user object Holds user info
–id int User ID
–steam_id string Steam ID64
–display_name string Display name
–avatar string URL to avatar
–twofactor_enabled boolean Whether or not user has Two-Factor Auth enabled.
–api_key_exists boolean See whether user has API Key
–sms_phone string/null (Optional via with_extra) Phone number used for SMS verification
–contact_email string/null (Optional via with_extra) Email address
–inventory_is_private boolean (Optional via with_extra) Set whether inventory is private (nobody can see it, even with token)
–allow_twofactor_code_reuse boolean Allow Two Factor code reuse for certain features (Send Offer, Accept Offer)

Standard User Public Profile Object

Parameter Type Description
user_data object Holds user info
–username string Display name
–avatar string URL to avatar